Content Makers

Secrets of Effective Email Marketing

A successful business will always be integrated with email marketing into its business strategy. It is the most simple and effective way of getting your message across the globe. Some marketers think it is out of date, but email marketing has been done efficiently in attracting and keeping your target customers. To appeal more to your customers and use email to your advantage, you need an efficient email marketing campaign.

The truth is email remains one of the most scalable, affordable marketing channels and the one with the highest ROI which makes optimizing campaigns and driving the cost of customer acquisition down far easier than other channels.

Here’s our secret recipe for successful email marketing;

Know What Influences Your Customers

Knowing what influences your customers’ buying decisions is essential to your email marketing. Things like their goals, pain points, needs, and ambitions are important to tap into as they will help you connect on an emotional level.

Make it personal

According to a survey, personalized emails get 2.5x higher click-through rates and 6x more sales. Also, personalized emails are far less likely to trigger SPAM filters, because you use the person’s name suggests that you know the recipient.

Send at the best time

Testing your send times can help you to gain the optimum engagement rates. Because the perfect time for sending an email is directly proportional to the opening rate.

Subject Lines Are Vital

A compelling subject line is a vital measure to unlocking successful email marketing campaigns. Without a compelling subject line, your emails may not get read, which will never make you any sales, and will never get you any results. Subject lines will make your readers curious about whatever it is you have to offer.

The More You Tell, The More You Sell!

Many say that a short email grabs the attention but it is a myth. Don’t be afraid of writing long emails because often these perform the best way. When writing long emails you can also get away with including multiple links and calls to action to improve your click-through rate.

Write to be Read

Short punchy paragraphs work the best. Whoever is reading your email, probably has several other emails in their inbox as well. So make your emails as easy as possible to digest and easy to understand.

Bullets are Your Friend

Bullets are badass when it comes to email marketing. When you are pitching for a service bullets work well. Here are a few reasons why you should use bullets in your emails often:

  • Bullets are easy to read
  • Makes your content scannable
  • Bullets look cool
  • Bullets are the best to hammer any point
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