Content Makers

How to write SEO Friendly Blogs Posts

Writing an SEO-friendly blog post is required to get ranked in Google and get the traffic you desire. The traffic that comes from Google’s SERP is high quality and usually converts. If your blog isn’t visible on Google, you miss the most significant chunk of your blog traffic. Honestly, there’s a lot more in SEO that happens in the background, but the main step is to create SEO-friendly blog post content.

These are a few steps that help to create an SEO-friendly blog post.

1) Write an SEO-worthy title

Titles are important in a blog post. They are first visible to the reader as well as the search engines. So to make your title SEO-worthy, first, you have to do keyword research and know the keywords that the users are searching for. Including those keywords in the title helps the search engine rank your page higher when the user searches for the content using those keywords.

2) Format your blog structure for better readability

Create a format before writing the blog post. Use subheadings where required. Divide your content properly. Write short paragraphs for better readability.
After the headline(h1) title, use h2, and h3 as subheadings. Headers, short paragraphs, list bullet points help the search engines to scan your blog post properly. They also help your website appear in Google’s featured snippets.

3) Add internal and external links

Adding links to your blog posts helps the search engine bots discover new pages and content. So links are an important part of an SEO-friendly blog post.
Adding good external links to your blog posts gives Google the signal that your site is also a good source for backlinks, which improves your domain authority.

4) Use the advantage of images

Adding images to your blog posts makes them more attractive to the reader and the search engines. Images help your website show in image search pages that provide good backlinks to your website. So how to optimize images? Just add alt tags in the image and use your targeted keywords for the name of the image. If you can edit the image EXIF data and add information there, that’s even better.

5) Use SEO-friendly URL

SEO-friendly URL means your URL should contain the keywords [ maybe the title of the post ], and it should be readable by the search engine. So it’s better to use high pens “-” in URLs to separate your keywords. Using underscores “_” in URLs is not recommended as the search engines treat the URL as single words, which is not recognized as a proper keyword.

  • “”
  • “”

In the first URL, search engine bots can read the keywords, but in the second URL, they can’t.

6) Optimize Meta Tags

For an SEO-friendly blog post, your meta description should contain the keywords and phrases you’re targeting. Keep your meta description between 50-160 characters. This will ensure that your description will be visible on SERP regardless of any device the users use.

7) write better content

Content is the king. If your content is engaging enough to keep the user occupied, then your blog post will naturally rank higher as the bounce rate of that page is low.
So writing engaging content is much more important than anything mentioned above. Your content should provide the information the users are looking for. It should contain a call to action button that makes your visitor perform some action on the page.

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